Making a personal portfolio website
After talking with several fellow Flatiron grads I realized an important project I missed that they had all completed fairly quickly after graduating Flatiron. A personal portfolio website. An extremely important example of skills that you have learned. Not only did you make the website but you also post links to your other apps for people to try out themselves. I think creating this personal website will really assist in my job hunt.
In creating this website I was for sure be using React.js. It is still my favorite library to work with. I have already started the initial installation on React using “npx create-react-app personal-website”. I need additional libraries to help with the app. Another library I need is Redux. Redux is a library that is extremely useful in manage the state of the app through a store. To make redux more affective I need a middleware called Thunk. Thunk allows me to call dispatch whenever I need and allows me to dispatch full functions. This makes redux more affective when passing these objects to the reducer.
Things coming up for the app. I need to finish setting up redux. I need to make an action component holding all the fetch calls. I also need to make a reducers component. Once redux is setup I can start building out all the little other pieces of the app. Header, any informational sections, routes for various button or links I may have. The options are endless.
I am very excited to work on this. This will be the very first app I have completed on my own that will be a full functioning webpage. The page will contain information about me, app the other apps I have worked on to completion and various thing like contact me, about me, and maybe future project tab.