React Native

Sean Ransonette
2 min readJul 19, 2021

I just graduated from Flatiron Software Engineering part time program so now it is time to start on projects for myself and not just for passing grades. A friend of mine came to me with a project idea. He is working on a project working with passive homes. In the passive homes, he will need a UI for his thermostat application. That is where I come in. I have only made apps with React and Ruby on Rails up to this point so I am very eager and excited to work with something new.

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework. Reactjs is a JavaScript library. While they seem very similar there are some key differences. To start React.js is still a huge part of React Native use most of Reactjs rules and still uses JavaScript. Another differences is that Reactjs is render through the Virtual DOM but React Native use API’s to render their components on mobile.

For installation React Native is appears to be extremely easy!

I also had to make sure to download an application on my phone called Expo Go so that I can use my phone to check that my code functions properly. I have to say that I am very excited to get started on this new project and learn more about phone app development.

